Industrial man welding

Is your industrial brand standing out from the competition? In this video, we’ll discuss three ways you can highlight your company’s expertise this year and position yourself for success in sales and marketing. 

1) Embrace the Digital Transformation 

A lot is quickly changing in the marketing world, from the best strategies and tactics to tools. For example, just about every platform now offers AI capabilities. But it’s important to know when and in what context to use these tools for the maximum impact. 

“For industrial manufacturing, it’s about leveraging the new best practices for websites and SEO and understanding where your target audience is located,” said Tyler Louth, Marketing Essentials CEO. “Choose the right channels by understanding your ideal customer and knowing your persona.”

If you focus all your efforts on Platforms A and B but your audience is on C and D, your efforts will be wasted. Know where they interact and then target those platforms for the best results. 

2) Prioritize Messaging Around Sustainability and Innovation

Sustainability in manufacturing is a big topic that will only get bigger. Yet, not all companies are fully on board yet. According to the 2022 EY CEO Outlook Survey, “22% of industrial sector CEOs believe that environmental sustainability ratings are important to attract investors.” 

If you’re taking steps to reduce your environmental impact across all areas of the value chain, highlight that to your prospects and customers. 

“Be very clear on what you’re doing, whether on your website or other channels,” said Tyler. 

Going hand in hand with your sustainability efforts can also be the evolution of your products or services. What are you changing to make it better, more efficient or more customer-friendly? Be sure to make that a central part of your messaging as well, focusing on benefits, not features.

3) Invest in Thought Leadership

Show your audience that you’re knowledgeable and forward-thinking about issues that affect your industry, and you’ll position yourself as a thought leader. 

“It’s not just about selling,” said Tyler. “You want to address the pain points that your target audience or ideal customer is really looking for or answer questions they may not even be thinking about yet.” 

Whether you share your expertise through whitepapers, blogs, webinars, or social platforms, take steps to become the source of truth for your service or industry. 

Next Read: 10 SEO Tips Industrial Companies Need to Follow 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of practices that help your business rank higher online so you can better reach potential customers. SEO is a big deal for any business because online searches are still a top way people discover new companies. 

If your manufacturing business isn’t focused on SEO, your competitors are. You don’t want to miss an opportunity at a sale because a potential customer simply did not find you online. 

See the tips >>

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