"I see the value of blogging to grow my business, however I can I make sure they are really drawing the attention of my potential customers?”

Let’s face it, as a business owner if you are like me, you have little time to do extra activities in your day that don’t generate revenue and blogging can be one of those if you’re not doing the basics right. Blogging is both an asset and investment in your business and yet realize that according to Digital Buzz Blog, there are 2 million blog posts published each day. And each one is shouting for the attention of your potential customer. So how do you ensure your blogs get attention?

Check out these Key Blog MUST HAVES to ensure a positive ROI for your blog investment:

Key 1: Goals-Define the Purpose for Your Blog. What action do you want your readers to take as a result of reading your blog? Begin writing your blog with the end in mind!

Key 2: Persona-Define Your Ideal Target Audience. Describe them. What do they look like? How old are they? Where do they get information from? What type of information do they like to read? When--day and time do they access the information? Create a board where you post their picture and all of the information you learned about them and use this as your guide when you write to ensure you stay focused.

Key 3: Listen-Blogging is not About Information You Want to Share, but About Information Your Persona Wants to Hear. It’s important to research areas where your persona hangs out and determine what type of blog content they find helpful. Content Marketing Institute recommends two helpful research places:

  • Search Alltop.com: To find a huge directory of blogs sorted by categories, simply go to Alltop.com
  • Facebook: One of the really cool features of Facebook is its search feature, which can be used to find the content and pages that your Facebook fans are also engaging with. If your fans like a particular page, then there is a strong possibility that its fans may value your content.

Key 4: Style-Create Your Own Unique Writing Style. Provide substance in your blog article that is real helpful information. Use examples. Share real stories and examples. Demonstrate your expertise in the subject area you are writing about.

Key 5: Publishing-Make sure your Blog has Been Fully Optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) by completing the Title Tags, Meta Description and Image alt tags. Ensure that every article has a captivating image that engages the reader. Seek other blogs where you can become a guest blogger which positions you, your business, and your content as an authoritative resource. Create teasers to pull people to your blog via e-mail marketing and your social channels.

Key 6: Monitor & Measure-Don’t Simply Write and Post. Analyze the traffic to your blogs and determine which type of articles your readers find most interesting and adjust your writing content. Try different days and times to post and determine which one is most effective for your audience.

Your potential and existing customers are online every day looking for help, and the services or products you offer could be the solution! Blogging helps with both the SEO and your expert positioning; so, it is an important element if you want to grow your business online. However, use your time investment wisely and focus on results-oriented blogging.

What blogging tactics have you found helpful to engage your potential customers?

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