
Why is email marketing one of the most worthwhile marketing techniques you can use? Think about snail mail. If you’re like me today, you likely sort quickly through the stack, going “Junk, junk, junk, bill, bill, junk.” The junk goes immediately in the trash.

Think of the time, research, effort and money that went into developing that piece of marketing! Did it even hit the target audience? Who knows.  

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Let’s explore some quick and very good reasons why email marketing is so important for lead nurturing.

Why is email marketing important for lead nurturing?


The Return On Investment is Huge.

Every $1 spent on email marketing yields a $44.25 return (according to Experian). This reason sort of sells itself.


95% of internet users are email users.

91% of those email users check their email daily. Look at it this way; using email marketing can reach 9 out of every 10 people who use the internet. Email tops both text and social as the preferred channel for personal communications — 45% for email to text’s 36% and social’s 13%. How many times a day are you on your email?


You can track and measure results.

Research shows that the average attention span of an adult is 8 seconds. With such a short window of attention from your potential customer, you have to pay attention to what works. Marketers and business owners always want to know what works. With the flexibility of email marketing, it becomes easy to send different graphics, subject lines or offers to different groups of people. Then with the tracking tools offered by email marketing platforms, you are able to assess what worked, and what did not.


You can personalize and customize your communications.

Traditional marketing has a one-size-fits-all approach, whereas with email marketing, you can customize each communication. You can tailor to your lead’s preference, purchase history and send further customized messages, giving you every chance possible to convert that lead into a customer. You can segment your users and send targeted messages. You can create brand identity. You can do a lot with email marketing!


You can create a wider reach for your message.

Customers usually don’t pass along printed pieces they’ve received in the mail to their friends or family. Forwarding an email with an enticing offer of valuable piece of information takes only seconds, and many users will do it. This action not only creates a wider reach for your message, but a networked reach as well and your email recipients are now acting as endorsers and brand advocates.


If you have their email, you have their permission to market to them.

According to  a study by ExactTarget, 77% of consumers prefer to receive permission-based email. Your potential customer wants to hear what you have to say. Email marketing is an important part of lead nurturing. Leads are important because they turn into customers. Customers turn into revenue. Need we say more? (Yes, keep reading).


You can reduce stress on the environment.

Yes, this is a fluffy happy-feel-good reason, but you have to appeal to your audience – and promoting your ‘greenness’ will do that. Environmental awareness and stewardship appeals to the masses. When you use email marketing as your primary form of communication, you’ll help reduce the amount of trees needed to produce printed marketing materials.

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