O.K. Patty you convinced me that blogging will benefit my business, but how do I get started? I’m not a writer!”

I certainly understand that frequently heard comment from business owners and CEO’s when we initiate and Internet marketing strategy that involves blogging. Blogging needs writing skills, but not as much as you would really think. Even if you are not a great writer, you very well may be a great blogger.

Blogging positions the business owner or other leaders in the company as experts in their industry. Their audience increasingly is becoming individuals that are looking for a leg up in their industry, looking for new ideas and information, or simply looking to grow their personal knowledge.

Take a look at seven ways that you can utilize to become a great blogger and appeal to your audience.

  1. Find Your Voice – BE YOU… you are writing the blog from your point of view. Blogging is about your thoughts and your ideas. It can be your thoughts and ideas about a book you read or an article that you came across in your industry trade magazine. But it is all about how you digest the words that are in front of you and what you got out of it.
  1. Blog Upside Down – This is where you start to see and realize the difference between blogging and writing. In writing, you have a start to your story, a climax, and an end where your story and point come to a culmination. With blogging if your reader has to wait that long to figure out what you are trying to get at, YOU LOST THEM! Start with you point in the beginning and then work your way from there.
  1. Keep It SHORT - Blog readers prefer to scan not read. Be brief and concise. Perfect for people who don’t like to write!
  1. Hoist a Hearty Headline – Your title can make or break whether or not your blog gets read. Catchy headings provide interest and a want to read more.
  1. Have the Courage to be Imperfect – Be authentic. Your readers will be more inclined to read something that is true to you and shows them your personality. They will begin to trust you more.
  1. Don’t Just Write, Rewrite – after you write your article go back through and read it, ALOUD. Does it make sense to you? Do you like the flow of it? If not, rewrite it and make changes. Have someone else proof it!
  1. Entertain Me – Blogging just like marketing is becoming all about how much we can entertain our potential customers. Make them enjoy the time that they spend reading your blog. Post videos or pictures, cartoons or tips of the day, make them want to stay on you blog longer.

Now you have the starter tools to begin blogging, or refine the blogging that you already have in place. If you want leads and prospects in your sales funnel, then blogging is non-negotiable. You get two benefits: 1) You position yourself and your company as a respected industry expert and thought leader, and 2) You generated organic (FREE) search engine optimization.

What tips can you share that you’ve found beneficial as a blogger?

Writing is only one aspect of blogging. How do you implement the technical aspects of blogging so your hard work pays off? Email a sample blog to patty@mktgessentials.com and I’ll read it over, and I will give you pointers or ideas or let you know if you have become a GREAT BLOGGER.

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