“Will placing a video on my website really make that big of a difference in my leads and sales?”

This was the question a company VP of Marketing ask me recently as we met to discuss their 2015 marketing budget. Actually if you aren’t asking this question, you should be as you think about how to generate the most leads and sales for your business.

How many people decide to use your service or buy your product before talking to you or visiting your store? Not too many. As online use by your potential customers continues to grow, many of your leads are evaluating your services before they even talk to you.

In fact, buyers go through about 57% of the purchasing process before ever talking to sales. That means more than 50% of the sale is already made before they do talk or visit with you!

Videos Hit the Bottom Line in a BIG Way

Not only do videos make your website more interesting and helpful for visitors, they also help generate more quality leads that in turn lead to more sales.

1. Decision Makers - Three-quarters (75%) of executives said they watch work-related videos on business-related websites at least weekly; more than half (52%) watch work-related videos on YouTube at least weekly (Forbes)

2. Increase Search - Your Website Is 50 Times More Likely To Appear On The First Page Of A Search Engine Results Page If It Includes Video (DigitalSherpa)

3. Easy To Do Business With You - 72.1 million smartphone users watched video on their devices at least monthly in 2013, and this is projected to rise to 86.8 million in 2014 (brainshark)

4. Retail - Retail site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average and are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors. (invodo)

5. Ecommerce - Online retailer Living Direct found that videos boosted conversion as well as increasing time on site by 9%. (invodo)

6. Ads - After Visiting A Video Ad, 12% Of Viewers Purchase The Specific Product Featured In The Ad (DigitalSherpa)

7. Real Estate - Real Estate Listings With Videos Receive 403% More Inquiries Than Those Without Videos (DigitalSherpa)

8. Facilitates Decision Making - 90% Of User Say That Seeing A Video About A Product Is Helpful In The Decision Process (DigitalSherpa)

Take Away

Videos help visitors to your website and social channels make a personal connection to your business. It puts a human face to your product or service, which in turns creates trust. Internet users are engaged with interactive web experiences, and videos can meet that need. Also don’t rule out videos because you think they are too expensive. There are many ways to create cost effective engaging videos your target audience will appreciate. Are you losing potential business because you aren’t leveraging the power of videos?

Share how videos have helped your business grow?

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