
Building a new website sucks. Sure, it’s exciting to build a new site from the ground up, and you certainly need one! But, the traditional process of getting the site from discussion to launch is laborious, painful, and slow.

Does this conversation sound familiar?

“Our website is 3 years old. It has issues and we need to build a new one.”

“Ugh! Remember the last time we did this?”

“Meeting after meeting.”

“I hate writing copy!”

“It took forever to get the stupid thing launched!”

“And by the time it launched, it was essentially already outdated.”



There Really is a Better Way - Growth-Driven Website Design

The conversation above is about traditional website design. Traditional Design has been the way that we’ve built websites since the dawn of the internet. To kick off a traditional website design, an agency comes in and you have a lot of meetings. You discuss what you want the website to look like and what pages you want on the site.

Or, maybe you had a pretty good agency last time and they actually discussed your goals for the website, the desired user experience and how to use the website as part of your overall sales funnel.

Find Out: Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Inbound Marketing Strategy?

Let’s take it a step further.

What if you never had to go through the process of building a new website again?

What if your website was dynamically ever-changing in its ability to meet the needs of your users?

What if your website continued to meet and exceed the goals of the company?

Growth-Driven Website Design

There’s a new way to build websites that provides:

  1. A quick launch (no more painful, drawn-out meetings)
  2. A solid, data-driven strategy (no more websites that don’t meet goals)
  3. On-going measurement to know exactly how your website is performing (no guesswork. You know for certain what is being accomplished by the website!)
  4. On-going changes and updates to make sure the website is performing at optimal levels (the internet changes, your user changes – your website needs to change to meet those needs.)


That Sounds Great, But How Does it Work?

Stay Tuned for A Better Way to Build a Website – Growth-Driven Design Part 2  to discover the process behind taking the pain out of your next website build.

Want to learn more about growth-driven website design? Contact Marketing Essentials at 419.629.0080 today!

9 Tips for Creating a Successful Website

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