Girl checking Marketing Essential’s newsletter on her phone

We still hear it…

“Email is dead.” 

“Do people still open and read emails?” 

“Am I really gaining anything by emailing my customers?” 

Our answers? Think again, yes, and double yes! A regularly scheduled email cadence is one of the best ways to reach your target audience and communicate with them without distractions. Hear more in our latest Ask the Expert video on email newsletters: 

Why should your company have an enewsletter? 

An enewsletter is one of the best ways to connect and engage with your target market. It's a simple way to share your expertise, announcements and promotions with potential and existing customers. It builds trust and keeps them engaged in your brand.

Email is also a platform you can “own” — when someone opens your newsletter, that’s all they’ll see! It can be a more effective way to capture attention than competing with other companies and ads on social media or organic search. 

And because your recipients are already customers or have intentionally signed up, they’re more likely to be interested in what you’re saying than a general audience. 

What should be in a company enewsletter?

When you prepare your newsletter, a good rule of thumb is to make it about 90% educational and only 10% promotional.

Take a look at this Marketing Essentials email, where we highlight a recent blog article followed by promotional content. Sharing knowledge first helps your audience and builds trust!

Senior Living Email Example from Marketing Essentials

Related: Tips for creating a content strategy for your business >> 

What are best practices for creating an enewsletter?

Keep these tips in mind when creating content for your email. 

  • Include a subject line that entices readers to open the email! First and foremost, you have to get readers to open the email, so it’s worth spending more time crafting a great subject line.
  • Keep your content concise and easy to read. People don’t want long blocks of text.
  • Include great images or link to a video. Visual media captures attention.
  • Make it skimmable. Ensure people can quickly glance through your newsletter and still get the most important information.

Do I need to optimize my newsletter for mobile?

YES! Nearly 81% of people check their emails on their smartphones. Ensure your newsletter looks great no matter where people open it. Most email tools allow you to view and test what your email would look like on different devices, so be sure to use this feature before hitting send! 

Get more email tips 

Interested in more tips for creating an email that drives engagement? Sign up for our enewsletter to get monthly tips delivered to your inbox.

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