The website your sales team needs is not always the one they want. Top salespeople tend to stay up to date on the latest trends, and yours may clamor for a website that incorporates what’s hot in web design.

While huge photos and videos, flat design and pages that scroll forever may look good in the short term, these design fads won’t help your team fill their sales funnel and close sales. To provide your sales team with the tools they need, what should your site include? Below are some factors to consider.

Clean Operation and Educational Content

Use your website to drive traffic and leads Have you heard that people now have shorter attention spans than goldfish? You can't expect many people to spend a lot of time on your website. If your site is slow to load or has other technical issues, expect visitors to spend even less time browsing your content. Your site must be easy to navigate, and visitors must be able to find what they’re looking for quickly.

As one of the most effective methods for doing business online, inbound marketing gives your website a purpose for existing. Rather than relying on the old “push” methods like running ads or sending out massive email blasts, inbound marketing pulls prospective buyers to your site.

Inbound marketing focuses on creating high-quality, high-value content. By relating your content closely with the interests of your customers and prospective customers, you attract a constant stream of inbound traffic. From there, your sales team begins its process of qualifying prospective customers into your sales and marketing funnel, providing you with a reliable means of making sales and projecting revenue.

Mobile Friendliness and SEO

Debunking SEO Myths Nearly half of respondents in a recent survey use their mobile devices for web browsing. Yet 93 percent of small-business websites aren’t mobile-friendly! If you’re still using an old design that’s not welcoming to mobile devices, it’s time to consider a major upgrade. Also, you have to pay attention to changes in search engine optimization.

With Google’s constantly changing algorithms, your site needs solid search engine optimization for prospective customers to find you. Many companies continue to develop sites with SEO in mind, and there’s no sign that the effectiveness of SEO techniques will diminish in the near future.

To give your sales team a site that will boost productivity and increase leads and sales, consider a technical tuneup along with a focus on inbound marketing, search engines and mobile friendliness. For more information, give Marketing Essentials a call today at 419.629.0080 and speak to one of our Digital Strategists.

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