Look at your marketing budget for 2017. What are your top sales priorities for your business next year? Do the two align? If not, the first step you need to take is a reassessment of your marketing plans for 2017.

When asking thousands of salespeople and marketers, HubSpot determined in their State of Inbound 2016 report that the top priority for businesses is what it's always been: turning leads into customers. That is something that is definitely easier said than done, yet everyone is still looking for the “magic bullet” that will convert all leads and soon-to-be customers into loyal, paying customers.


Top Priorities for Business 2017top_priorities_for_businesses_in_2017.png

As a Chief Marketing Officer or Marketing Director who likely has similar priorities for your business, an inbound marketing and sales strategy can help you tackle these priorities with one smart marketing and sales game plan.

Planning for 2017? Don't go unprepared. Click here for your free State of Inbound 2016 report for all of the latest industry statistics.

If you are new to the world of inbound marketing and sales, you may be thinking, “Where do I even begin?” In that same HubSpot report, participants were asked about their inbound marketing strategy. See what others have done to help gain a starting point for your plan.business_priorities.pngWhether you’ve decided you’d like to grow your SEO, get blog subscribers, or even have an online storefront, it all comes down to having a strong inbound marketing and sales strategy. That is the backbone to your digital presence.

Oftentimes, your company website is the first place future customers find you. Think of it as a 24-hours, 7-days-a-week member of your sales staff. If your website is stale and out-of-date, customers can quickly turn.

If you are unsure of your current website status, you may want to consider a digital audit. This will identify key strong points and weaknesses in your current digital presence and give you suggestions of where it can be improved.

If you have questions on this process or would like to discuss the value of a digital audit, which can help you create your inbound marketing and sales program, feel free to reach us at contact@mktgessentials.com.

State of Inbound 2016 Report

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