Do you feel that you are no longer reaching your target audience? Are you afraid that your list of patients is starting to dwindle without finding ways to replace them? Do you know how to reach out to new patients in today’s digital world?

Today’s consumers have learned to block out a lot. We are constantly bombarded with news, advertising, social media, and more. We feel that our time is a valuable commodity, and we have become much more selective on what we pay attention to.

If we are going to give something the time of day, it’s because we found it, not because it was shoved in our face. (That can actually cause the opposite effect.)

How your Patiences find you has changed. Has your marketing strategy? Get your free marketing strategy guide here.


How To Reach Patients When and Where They Are Looking

How do you reach patients at the right time? At exactly when they are searching for answers? The easiest way is through a content strategy that speaks directly to what your patients are searching for. Before they come through your physical door, you need them to come through your digital one -- your website. An online search is where they are going to start first.

According to a recent Pew Research Study:

  • 59% of U.S. adult consumers research their alternatives online before making a decision on a service, including healthcare.
  • 72% of internet users say they looked online for health information within the past year.
  • 53% of “online diagnosers” talk with a physician about what they found online.
  • 44% of patients who searched on their mobile device scheduled an appointment.

Creating Content That Answers  Your Patients’ Questions

You may be wondering where to start. In order to engage possible new clients, you need to create content that speaks to your knowledge and informs the reader. Don’t sell to them. To find a good starting point, ask yourself: “What are the most common questions my patients and their family’s ask?” Those questions are the basis of your content strategy.

Not only do you need to make sure you are creating the right content, you need to make sure you are using the right medium. Do your patients respond more to blog posts or YouTube videos? Is your target audience more active on Facebook or Twitter? Find where your audience is and go to them. Don’t force them to come to you.

How your patients find you has changed. Are you prepared? In today’s busy world, it can be hard to break through all of the noise. The best way to do so is to have the right content at the right time. Download our free guide to learn more ways to make your practice stand out from the rest.


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