resilience approach to covid-19

patty-headshotThe coronavirus pandemic has forever changed how businesses operate. However, we have yet to truly understand the type and magnitude of what those changes will be and how they will affect our daily lives going forward. 

At Marketing Essentials, our business philosophy is rooted in overcoming challenges, seeking avenues for improvement and embracing uncertainty. Our team’s focus during this pandemic has been on building and strengthening our resilience. Resilience is the process by which we adapt and change in the face of stress and adversity. It is resilience that gets us through times of hardship and allows us to not only survive a difficult situation, but to use those experiences to optimize and improve every aspect of our lives and businesses. 

During this challenging time, our priorities are, (1) Ensuring our team members are safe and healthy and (2) Ensuring our clients receive the immediate and urgent support they need.

The following are a few of the ways that we are supporting our team members, our clients and our business community.

Supporting Our Clients and Community

Entirely Remote Team Operating at Full Capacity

We’ve had no disruption to our daily operations during this period. Prior to the pandemic, our team had already embraced a remote working culture, with the majority of our 20+ team members working outside of the office most days of the week. This meant we already had the tools, systems, and processes in place to serve our clients remotely well before stay-at-home orders and restrictions were issued. During this crisis, our team has continued to operate at full capacity to meet urgent and ongoing client needs, ensuring a seamless service experience for our clients. 

Sharing Knowledge with our Business Community

We knew that the best way our team could support others during the pandemic was to use our expertise to educate and inform our local business community. We teamed up with the Sidney-Shelby County and Troy Chambers of Commerce to create webinars featuring local experts who shared best practices, resources, and tips to aid business leaders in navigating the ever-fluctuating business environment. It was a true privilege to help equip our community with the tools and resources they needed to tackle new challenges, regulations, and compliance guidelines created due to this crisis.

Our Journey Continues

We encourage everyone to stay safe and adhere to the return to work mandates and guidelines in this evolving crisis. Understand that this is just one small hiccup in the journey that is our lives. During this uncertain time, we will all experience moments of personal and professional growth, and we will certainly have stories to share when it passes.

We pray for all of those working on the front lines, those who have lost loved ones, and others who have been struggling due to this crisis. We are truly all in this together.  

Be well. Be safe. Stay resilient!

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