Is your business too pushy?

You know the type: They put all their products and services on their website and wait for customers to come. When they don’t get the results they expect, they claim online marketing doesn’t work.

That’s not true. The truth is that outbound marketing - pushing your products or services on everyone - was never very effective, and it’s even less effective today.

MediaPost reported that the internet became the largest medium for advertising in 2016, and it will only continue to grow.

Inbound digital marketing is proven to deliver 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound marketing tactics, a survey by Hubspot shows.

Is Your Current Sales Strategy No Longer Effective? Grow Sales and Retain Customers with This New Approach. 

Being pushy doesn’t work today

Whether you’re B2B or B2C, your customers have enough options that they can buy from almost anyone, including your competitors.

93% of buyers use online search to begin the buying process.

95% of qualified prospects on your website are there to research and are not yet ready to talk with a sales rep, although as many as 70% will eventually buy from you or one of your competitors.

To be successful, you must attract potential customers, build trust, and provide solutions.

That’s inbound digital marketing.

  • Inbound marketing offers your customers solutions to their problems.
  • Inbound marketing builds trust among potential customers by helping them solve their problems. According to theCustom Content Council, 61% of people are more likely to buy from a brand that delivers valuable content to them.
  • Inbound marketing sets you apart from competitors by disseminating unique content that highlights your company’s unique advantages.
  • Inbound marketing keeps customers satisfied so they become brand advocates. 60 percentof business technology customers search for peer testimonials during the decision-making process, according to Google.
  • Inbound marketing is more cost-efficient in attracting and keeping customers. Cost per lead of inbound digital marketing is 61% cheaper than traditional marketing.

Watch this 1-minute Inbound Info Minute video by marketing expert Patty Cisco, MBA, principal of Marketing Essentials.


Marketing Essentials knows inbound

Our experts – experts in search engine optimization, copywriting, analytics, graphic design, social media, and web design – know inbound and marketing and SEO and…well, you get the picture. Find out how working with a strategic digital marketing partner can improve your marketing department’s return on investment.

If you want to learn more about how inbound marketing can help your business grow, contact Marketing Essentials at 419-629-0080 or by email at

Can you increase your sales department's profitibility by using inbound marketing?

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