Arrowhead golf club entrance sign minster ohio

Recent sunny weather, blues skies and pleasant temperatures made for a perfect day to hit the green for the Southwestern Auglaize County Chamber of Commerce's 2020 Golden Triangle Golf Outing.

Angie Klosterman serving lunch at the Golden Triangle Golf OutingMarketing Specialist Angie Klosterman, who also is a board member for the Southwestern Auglaize County Chamber of Commerce, volunteered for the chamber’s 2020 Golden Triangle Golf Outing on Sept. 25, 2020. Not a golfer, Angie helped with setup for the event and assisted in serving lunch to the participants. 

The 2020 Golden Triangle Golf Outing was one of the events the chamber was still able to hold during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to be a member favorite each year. 

Watch the video below to learn more about the golf outing and how it benefits the local community.

2020 Golden Triangle Golf Outing

The Golden Triangle Golf Outing is one of the chamber’s annual fundraising events held throughout the year.

“It brings in non-dues revenue for the chamber, and it also gets our members together to network, meet new connections and, especially today, a beautiful day to get out and have a great day to golf, said Southwestern Auglaize Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Sara Topp.

There were 25 teams who participated in the golf outing this year, which was held at Arrowhead Golf Course in Minster.

“This year has just been very unique, so for everybody to be out here today with 25 teams, it’s just wonderful,” Topp said.

Sponsored golf balls Golden Triangle Golf Outing

Board President Jamie Mescher with Community Insurance was a member of one of those teams.

“It’s a great way to network and get to know some of the members and raise a little money for the Southwestern Auglaize County Chamber of Commerce to help do things we do throughout the year,” he said before the event’s shotgun start. 

“I’m looking forward to the networking and seeing all the other members; it’s a great time to be out here.”

What’s Next for the Chamber?

Next up, the chamber is preparing for the Holiday Shop Hop, previously known as German Family Christmas. 

This event, which will see a few new details in 2020, encourages residents to support local businesses in the New Bremen, Minster and New Knoxville communities when they are out doing their holiday shopping.

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