Podcasting. It's here—and while it's not quite as popular as some businesses had hoped for—it's definitely increasing in popularity. In fact, in 2014, an annual survey was conducted and discovered that 15 percent of adults do indeed listen to podcasts on a regular basis. This was a 66 percent increase from 2008. So, as we can see, podcasts are on the rise. The important question is…

Are you going to jump on this bandwagon ahead of your competitors?

The Benefits of Podcasting

You Develop a Connection With Your Audience

Podcasts allow you to have a more personal connection with your customers. Instead of them skimming through information on the web, you can connect to them through your tone. As they become familiar with your voice, this helps build trust with your brand, and the more familiar they become, the more they keep coming back. It's through podcasts that you can give a true reflection of your values and business ethics through the way you make your statements.

Podcasting Provides a Connection Anywhere, Anytime

Another great reason you should be hosting your own podcasts is because it provides the ultimate way to market to your customers. When marketing through an online blog posting, customers must be focused on what they are reading to fully understand it. They can't multi-task. With podcasts, though, customers can listen anywhere, at anytime. Whether they're cooking dinner, riding on the subway, or hiking up a mountain, they can listen to your audio.

It Doesn't Take a lot of Time

Podcasts don't take long to record. You can, of course, create hour-long podcasts if you want, but most times, a five- to ten-minute recording is sufficient. Ultimately, what you want to do is answer a question that you know your customers will have. Five to ten minutes of talking will allow you to provide more than enough sufficient information to cover a single question.

You Will Get Listeners

Did you know that Apple has an astonishing 1 billion users subscribed to podcasts? People are listening, and you will get listeners. All you have to do is let people know about your recordings. The best way to make them aware is by promoting your podcasts on social media and your website. Also, encourage listeners to share the recordings with anyone they think may be interested. To optimize the convenience of sharing, make sure to include sharing buttons.

You Can Make Money

Although podcasts shouldn't be all about making money, if you attract enough listeners, you will eventually attract sponsors, too. These sponsors will pay you for letting them advertise during your podcasts. Ideally, these sponsors will be directly related to your line of business to ensure listeners are delighted with relevant ads.

If you would like to learn more about the many benefits of podcasting and how to start, please contact Marketing Essentials today at (419) 629-0080 and talk to one of our Digital Strategists today.

The importance of diversified content

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