4 Common Marketing Problems that Could be Hurting Your ROI:

1) Not Enough Staff and No Experience

It is virtually impossible today to have one individual in a marketing role and expect them to have all of the knowledge required to manage both traditional and internet marketing strategies. Just because they are a marketer doesn’t mean they are a graphic designer. They may be a great writer, but that doesn’t mean they understand SEO.

2) Poor Data Interpretation

Understanding how to interpret data from a marketing feasibility study is one thing. But understanding how to interpret analytical data such as CTA’s (call-to-action), CRO (conversion rate optimization), or CTR (click through rate), traffic patterns, etc. is another. Data should drive marketing decisions, and without a solid understanding of what they mean, opportunities are lost.

3) No Executive Understanding

Executive leaders don’t care about the tactical strategy, they care about the results. When marketing managers do not have the necessary data to substantiate the ROI of their strategy, CEO’s lose interest early and move on to the next latest fad. Often this scenario creates the start-stop change process that doesn’t result in any long term results.

4) Sales & Marketing Teams Are Operating in Silos

What happens when your marketing team is producing high quality leads, yet there is no change in the number of new customers? Or perhaps the sales team keeps yelling that marketing is not giving them the tools they need to close the sales. The traditional silos and disconnect between marketing and sales departments leads to lost revenue when the gap isn’t closed between how leads are managed and converted.

9 Solutions That Could Increase Your Revenue

When marketing managers surround themselves with a seasoned digital marketing and business strategist team that can partner with them to provide the expertise they need to generate the results the CEO expects, the result is a winning combination. A digital marketing team can:

  1. Utilize project management systems to enhance communication and meet deadlines
  2. Develop integrated campaigns and results
  3. Research and analyze competitive positioning
  4. Utilize analytic software
  5. Interpret and translate data
  6. Provide recommendations on the most beneficial marketing strategies
  7. Create strategies that generate more traffic, generate leads, and improve sales results
  8. Demonstrate where gaps are occurring and opportunities are lost
  9. Monitor industry trends and algorithm (SEO) changes

Don’t allow others to put unrealistic expectations on you to achieve the impossible as a marketing manager. Over 67% of companies have a digital partner to help support their internet marketing needs. What revenue could you gain if you enhanced your marketing strategies with a digital marketing partner?

What challenges are you facing as a marketing manager?

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