Inbound marketing can involve using many channels to bring the right traffic to your site. One of the best ways to grab the attention of your preferred customer is to go right to them with the marketing message that you want them to have. Email marketing is a no-stress way to send marketing to a large number of people, as well as to do it in little time and with little effort.

5 Ways Email Marketing Eliminates Stress

  1. Email marketing is fast. Creating and sending your emails, even to tens of thousands of customers, can be done in less than a day ---heck, less than a few HOURS! Say goodbye to messing with complicated layouts or going to a printer. With email marketing, you can send out messages as often as you like and do it all lightning fast.
  2. You can send personalized messages. It's simple to set up your email marketing to include each customer's name in the message or subject line. You can even send out special emails on birthdays or other occasions. Studies show that personalized messages make customers more inclined to read them than the generic ads that come in the mail or other generic emails.
  3. It's easy to break up your email list into smaller groups for specialized messages. Email marketing can be used, for example, to tell customers when more of what they have ordered is available. It can also be used to send out messages to individuals with certain demographics to interest them in specific products. Try doing that with traditional advertising! HA!
  4. It's cheaper. An email marketing campaign costs less than virtually any other advertising method. It's inexpensive to send your message out anywhere on the planet that you want it to go. Quick AND inexpensive…What’s not to like?!
  5. Analytics will show you just how your emails are performing. If you send out a piece of direct mail, it's tough to figure out just how successful a campaign was. But with analytics, you can quickly determine what is performing well and what needs to be improved.

When you use email marketing, the entire process of getting your marketing message out is easier. You get your data out to a wide network of people in little time, for little money and with little stress. Who wouldn’t want to use a process that is quick, inexpensive and can reach thousands of people at once?

If you are ready to get started with your email marketing campaign, give the professionals at Marketing Essentials a call at 419.629.0080 today!New Call-to-action

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