Facebook & the Social Media World

As the social media world continues to grow, users — and yes, this includes both businesses and individuals— must keep up to date with these changes, as it will benefit them in the long run and help them connect better with their fans. As Facebook continues to evolve, they are constantly changing, and another big change is happening!

A couple major changes are taking place — similar page competitors, the new Newsfeed, larger photos and graph searches. In this blog we will learn about the new changes and how they will affect your page.

1. Fans Who Already “Like” Our Page May Come Across Competitors

Fans who are currently on your page viewing content you posted may lead them to discover a competitor’s page.

Because of “Similar Pages” suggestions, fans of your business’s page could get distracted, as they see all these other pages they could visit. But one good thing about this new change is instead of clicking on another page to view, fans can simply hover over the logo of that page, and they can just “like” it without leaving your page.

What Does This Mean For Me?

This is actually a good feature, because if your page is suggested as a “Similar Page” to others who are on similar pages to yours, then you have the potential to receive more likes.

One important factor to note is you must have a page with completed information, so this can be used to match your business page with similar pages in your industry.

2. Larger Photos Equal More Focus

Soon photos will be more dominant in the Newsfeed section of Facebook. Any post with an image will be bigger, so this means every time a new photo is posted it will make a more visually appealing impact. So it is more important than ever to try to include a photo with every post that could contain an image, but it is also important to use photos relatable to your services.

Ideas To Use More Images

From an image of your team members to infographics and headshots to inspirational messages, there is an array of opportunities to post images periodically with posts on Facebook.

With that being said, cover images are important, so if you do not have one, it would be beneficial to get one that is a good representation of your business. Cover images will be front and center, and this helps to make impressions on not only fans, but potential leads.

In addition, advertising will be bigger. Sponsored Stories and Promoted Posts that you run with Facebook will be bigger, so it will benefit you.

3. Newsfeed

People will have the chance to filter their newsfeeds with the new change. You can now select to view only posts from All Friends, Most Recent, Photos, Music, Groups, etc. when you open your newsfeed.

4. Last, But Certainly Not Least, Graph Search

A new development from Facebook is Graph Searches. What do graph searches allow users to do? Well fans are able to conduct searches that ask questions such as: Who are my friends that have visited other countries, and what are restaurant favorites of friends in the Columbus, Ohio area, etc.? In addition, users can pose questions that will bring up photos of friends from a certain year or month.
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Why Is This Important To My Business?

Business page users should incorporate more “check-ins” as this information will be pulled when these Graph Searches are done by users. This is another reason why it is important for businesses to fill out all information on their profiles, as this information will be pulled when Graph Search questions are asked.

Go Time!

Now that you have a grasp on all the new changes, the most important things you should remember are:

  • Make sure all information on your Facebook page is up to date and filled out
  • Use pictures whenever you can
  • Make posts periodically throughout the week to attract new fans.
  • As Facebook continues to change, it is important to keep up with these changes, as it will benefit your organization.

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