About Mark Blackford

If you need to quantify the results of your digital marketing activities, Mark Blackford is your man. Mark is a master of data analytics, keyword research, email marketing, SEO and PPC. He helps produce optimal results for Marketing Essentials’ clients by planning, executing and analyzing conversion pathways for each stage of the sales funnel. When Mark is not monitoring the real-time results of his work for Marketing Essentials’ clients, you can find him exploring with the Boy Scouts or enjoying sports with his teenagers.
Posts by Mark Blackford
Back Into The Woods to Pay it Forward as an Adult Scouting Leader
I recently had the opportunity to once again serve as an adult leader at Scout camp (thanks in part to a benefit, Pay-It-Forward, that allows Marketing Essentials team members to take a day off to volunteer for any community service event or outreach of their choice).
Leadership Journey - My Experience as a Troop Guide for a Recent Wood Badge Course
At Marketing Essentials, one of our benefits includes a Pay It Forward day that allows employees to get paid for volunteer work. This year, I used my Pay It Forward time to volunteer as a troop guide for a Wood Badge course.
ME Team Member Pays it Forward as an Adult Leader at BSA Summer Camp
One of the great benefits all Marketing Essentials team members are offered is a chance each year to take some time off to pay it forward by volunteering for a non-profit organization of their choice. As the Committee Chair for a local BSA Troop (Troop 95 out of Sidney, Ohio), I had the opportunity to serve as an adult leader at summer camp (for the first time in 3 years) when the troop spent a week at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Ask the Expert: What’s Up with the New Responsive Google Ads?
Google Ads has announced its standard expanded text ads will be retired this summer (June 2022). In its place will be the latest ad feature, Responsive Search Ads (RSAs), which use machine learning technology to help deliver the right ad to the right person.
ME Team Member Pays it Forward at Clean Sweep of The Great Miami River 2021
July 16, 2021, was an overcast day with chances of rain showers throughout the morning hours. But thankfully, the annual Clean Sweep of the Great Miami River Watershed was still able to take place with just a few brief, light, periods of rain occurring.
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