Scout trailer at BSA summer camp

One of the great benefits all Marketing Essentials team members are offered is a chance each year to take some time off to pay it forward by volunteering for a non-profit organization of their choice. As the Committee Chair for a local BSA Troop (Troop 95 out of Sidney, Ohio), I had the opportunity to serve as an adult leader at summer camp (for the first time in 3 years) when the troop spent a week at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch in Yellow Springs, Ohio. 

Scouts at camp

Why Be Involved in Scouts?

I have stayed involved with the Scouting program over the years, even after my son earned his Eagle Scout rank over 4 years ago (proud dad mention) because I believe in the organization's mission to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes. Also, I believe in the organization’s Aims of Scouting.

Those Aims of Scouting are character development, leadership development, citizenship training and personal fitness. These objectives are met through eight methods: Walking with backpack

  1. Ideals
  2. Patrols
  3. Outdoor Programs
  4. Advancement 
  5. Association With Adults
  6. Personal Growth
  7. Leadership Development
  8. Uniform

Learn More About The Boy Scouts of America’s Mission, Vision, Aims and Methods

Why Summer Camp?

Official BSA summer camps conducted by BSA Councils across the country offer youth the opportunity to experience firsthand all of these methods in one action-packed week. The best part is, that they are so busy having fun they often don’t realize how much they are learning and growing!

scout-camp-flagsScout units are led by the youth, with adult leaders there to help guide them in the right direction. It truly is a great experience seeing the more experienced Scouts leading those newer to the troop. Eventually, those younger Scouts will pay it forward by leading the Scouts coming up behind them in the ranks. 

Even if they don’t achieve the rank of Eagle Scout (the highest rank in the Scouting program), there are many incredible benefits for youth involved in Scouting. The summer camp experience is just the tip of the iceberg. Other opportunities throughout the year include participating in outdoor activities, service to other organizations, skills training and more.

As an adult leader, I too benefit from all of the above, as well as being able to participate in some amazing training opportunities, such as Wood Badge

The bonus is that I also get to witness youth catching their first fish or shooting a rifle or bow and arrow for the first time. I get to see them get excited when they learn to tie a complex knot or overcome a fear by climbing a rock wall. And most importantly, I get to watch them grow into amazing leaders for our communities. 

Even though camp included spending a few nights and days in the woods with thunderstorms, extreme heat and heavy downpours — it was worth it!

How To Get Involved

The various programs offered through the Boy Scouts of America, available for all youth and adult leaders, includes:

  • Cub Scouts | Grades K-5
  • Scouts BSA | Ages 11-17
  • Venturing | Ages 14-20
  • Sea Scouts | Ages 14-20
  • Exploring | Ages 10-20

Click here to Find a Unit that is Right for You!

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