
CRO, also known as Conversion Rate Optimization, is a commonly used term among digital marketers. CRO can be used in about any aspect of digital marketing, especially in concepts such as social media. Improving Conversion Rates on Facebook Ads

A large social network for business to advertise on is Facebook, but getting people to interact with your ads is a whole different ball game. Facebook does provide useful tools to help boost your ads towards specific demographics. The only problem though, is how to effectively use these tools.

Research, Research, Research

Researching is one of the biggest things you can do to help increase your Facebook ads CRO.  Trying to create a persona based on demographics without doing research first is like trying to shoot a basketball blindfolded. You might get lucky, but it will be by complete chance.

Before using these tools, you must have an intricate persona laid out, so that you can connect with your ideal customers. If you do not have the data to research, an A/B test is also a useful tool.  Testing different demographics will help lead you in the right direction.

Graphics Grab Attention

Graphics also play a huge part in ad interaction. Posts with photos generate 39% more interaction than other types of posts. Ensuring that you use the right type of photo is also important. Individuals are more likely to interact with ads that look less “traditional”. Focus on grabbing individual's attention with short, catchy sayings and fun graphics.

An effective way to put these tips into action is to use A/B tests. Test one change at a time to find out what works for your organization and what doesn’t. Put a plan into place to implement your changes and help boost your CRO.



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