The driver of your SEO is content. The driver of your inbound marketing success is content. So how do you generate enough organic content to make your traffic sing, “Hallelujah” and have your visitors become leads that will soon generate revenue? Not an easy task you may think; you are wrong!

As you create content, you need to repurpose it to different channels to hit your target audience in different places and even gain some new traffic. For example, you just created a kick-ass PowerPoint presentation. You can repurpose that into several different types of content to let your persona see that you are an expert and that they need your services or products.

PowerPoints can easily be repurposed into blogs, infographics, SlideShares, videos or pins on Pinterest that will deliver your industry expertise in many different formats. Sometimes you need to look at the resources you have to create fresh, new content.

How do you make your PowerPoint into new content?

  • Blogs

It is good marketing to turn the very PowerPoint you used to deliver a stellar presentation into content your audience can quickly access again. It is smart marketing to make that slide deck into a blog or even a series of blogs with an opt-in for those who missed your badass presentation. You have established yourself as an expert in the industry and now they will want more! Why not? You have given great information; you need to keep the information train chugging along with more content.

  • Infographics

The brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than the time it takes for the brain to decode text. So now you ask, “Why is an infographic a great way to repurpose content?” You are putting that PowerPoint content in a quick, scannable form for your customer, and they will process and remember what you had to say. Graphics with scannable copy can really tell the story. They will see how your expertise is valuable for their business.

  • Videos

It is no surprise that video is one of the most effective forms of content. With over 2 million videos downloaded every day and 93% of all communication occurring through visual content, you need to jump on this profitable band wagon...and fast! It is quite easy to turn that badass PowerPoint presentation into a video. Change the slides a bit, add some music or voice over and voila—VIDEO!

  • SlideShare

It is a no-brainer to convert that PowerPoint into SlideShare. It is practically already in the correct format! Now you add just a bit more of your researched content to spice it up and keep your customer clicking through the SlideShare. Presentations are a great way to share content and visual content gets the attention of your audience up to 67% more. Also visual elements explain what you are trying to say in a more effective manner--so don’t forget this one!

  • Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest, now one of the top social media channels, is a great fit to repurpose your content from a PowerPoint. A few quality slides can easily become great pins to reach your target audience that lives on Pinterest. You can now reach a new audience or hit your same one in a different channel to reinforce your expertise.

Git ‘R Done

Finally, repurposed content is the save-all to keep driving your SEO. By repurposing your content you have now created an opportunity to generate more ROI with very little time invested. You are able to reach new audiences with different medias and reinforce your brand message across multiple channels.

Become the authority in your industry and let your content continue to sing through many channels to create a sense of urgency. They need you because you know your stuff!

If you are not repurposing your content, you are not effectively using your time or resources. Need help with content? Contact us today at Marketing Essentials and we can help you create content and repurpose!
The importance of diversified content

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