Saving money for your company is a constant goal. As you look at your marketing budget, where do you spend your funds? Getting quality content for your business is quite expensive. You buy content, but what the heck can you do with it after you have posted it on your blog page?

Whoa, back up. You do have a blog page, right? If not, you need to start one right away! If you do already have one (good job!) what can you do with all that great content? Repurpose it! Now! You may find yourself asking, "How?" "What does that mean?" "Help!" or "This is too much work!"

Don’t worry! Here are 5 quick ways to repurpose your content now:

1. Select quality content that can appeal to different audiences in different formats

Good, quality content should be your first building block, just like starting a production line that sings and works effectively and efficiently. When you are mapping your online strategy and how to get leads with your content, where does your audience live? That is step one. You need to know where your customer goes online. Once you figure that out,you can turn your amazing white paper or blog into some awesome tweets that connect to your customers!

But you also need to know the basics, not just where your customer goes online but what do they read? What do they want in content? A quick infographic on how to manage workflow? Or how about a white to turn your marketing dollars into increased ROI for your manufacturing business with inbound marketing. Figure out what they are looking for before it is too late!

2. Break up larger content pieces into smaller ones to hit specific pain points

So you paid the big bucks for some great blogs. Now you need to turn those into smaller blogs. It is very simple to repurpose your large piece of content into smaller pieces by pulling out one pain point at a time--don't reinvent the wheel. Stick to the basics, repurpose your content and win your customers over with the snap of your fingers! When your client likes your content, you must continue to deliver your message, but in different formats and smaller doses!

3. Know what kind of content fits your target audience

If your customer lives on Twitter, then your content needs to live on Twitter, too. Use Twitter to drive customers to your website. Remember: when it comes to repurposing your content you need to drive your content to the RIGHT channels. Repurposing content is an easy and efficient way to allow your audience to see things differently. This gives them different perspectives on the same message when you adjust and repurpose your content to fit your customers’ needs for information.

4. Switch content to different formats: Hello social channels!

Take a white paper and make it into a podcast or infographic. When you repurpose your content into different formats, you hit the same (and sometimes new) audiences with a different viewpoint on the same information. This gives your persona a chance to review information that is valuable to them in different formats. You don’t have to make it difficult, it is just like making your line more efficient. Repurpose your content to work more efficiently for you. Rework your Facebook post into an infographic, change a current blog into a new blog for a different industry that you sell to. Again, save yourself some time and use that amazing content you’ve already created to make your content continue to work and not be a one shot wonder.

5. Get the SEO boost

When you create content, you focus on keywords for search engine optimization. Focusing on different keywords gives you more mileage out of the same piece of content. Why not take existing content and tweak it to hit a different pain point? Reusing it is efficient and economical.

But what content do you repurpose?

Take a look at Google Analytics to find out what you have that is getting read, shared or hitting the homerun to the pain point of your customer. If they favor one piece in particular, chances are they will like more on that topic. Or hey, get this, they have friends in other industries they talk to and I bet the content will hit a homerun with them, too! Just make sure you remember to adjust your words to their industry and hit their pain points. Now it is time for you to go look at your existing content and repurpose!

Need help with content and repurposing your content? Call one of our business strategists today at 419-629-0080.
The importance of diversified content

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