Before the internet when people had a need for a product or service they would turn to those colored pages in the back of their phonebook to find a business that could help them. Today they simply search for a solution online. How can you make sure they find your business when they’re searching for something you offer? It all comes down to how well you understand and implement SEO.
Know the marketing trends and challenges. Get industry statistics with The State of Inbound 2016.

According to the 8th annual report from Hubspot, The State of Inbound 2016, growing SEO and organic presence is the top inbound marketing priority given by the majority of 4,500+ respondents from around the globe (see chart).



Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Why should SEO be a priority for you? A search engine’s number one priority is giving their users what they want. With the massive amounts of content on the internet, this is no easy task. First, they must analyze the user’s search query and determine the searcher’s intent. Are they looking to buy something? Do they want in-depth information about a topic? Maybe they simply want a definition. Whatever the intent, the search engine attempts to give the user the best options to meet that need.

So, what does that mean for you and your business? Even if you offer exactly what the user is looking for, if the search engines don’t know it, your website won’t show up in the results. How do you make sure the search engines know what you have to offer then? That’s where SEO comes in!

Optimizing all of your digital content for search engines helps you ‘get the word out’ to the search engines that you offer exactly what their user is looking for. There are hundreds of factors to consider in SEO, a few of which include:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Section headers
  • Actual text on the page
  • Image titles and alt-tags
  • Website navigation structure
  • Frequency of updates to content


Making SEO a Priority

With so many factors to consider, SEO can be a daunting undertaking. But as you can see, understanding SEO is increasingly important to the success of your website, and ultimately your business. So should you make SEO a priority? If you want your business to survive and thrive, then it’s an absolute must!

State of Inbound 2016 Report

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