Every business needs a marketing plan to thrive, but not everyone has a huge budget. While you can generate leads in variety of ways, focusing your efforts on inbound marketing can help you build a following and cultivate prospects for minimal upfront cost.

In general, inbound marketing results in a final cost that is about 4 times less per lead than the cost of an outbound lead. HubSpot puts these figures at $32 average cost for an inbound lead vs. $102 for an outbound marketing lead. Therefore, opting to focus on inbound marketing allows you to reach 4 times the number of potential customers for the same amount of money, making it an ideal option for stretching your marketing budget.

Why Inbound Is the Best Choice for Your Marketing Dollars

Higher ROI for Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing can also generate more leads per campaign than outbound techniques, making it a more effective proposition for most businesses, too. According to recent reports by HubSpot, 54% more leads are generated using inbound marketing techniques, when compared to traditional outreach methods. The high effectiveness of inbound marketing, combined with the low cost, allows you to stretch your marketing budget further while still getting results. If you have never focused on an inbound strategy before, you may actually find your ROI increases and you get more leads while still spending less money.

Format Matters

How you deliver the great content you create for your followers and prospects plays a role in how effective it is. Stretch your marketing dollar by experimenting with a variety of content formats to see which type your target prospects respond to best. In general, if you are selling to a B2B customer, educational formats like infographics, webinars and blogs will engage readers in a format they are likely to respond to. If you sell a product or service directly to consumers, experimenting with other digital methods and offering online calculators, tools and interactive content can generate leads without a huge ongoing cost.

Engage and Inform

Get the most from a skinny marketing budget by making every bit of content you post perform multiple jobs. If you spend the money to generate a high-quality eBook, generate blog ideas using that exact content. You don’t have to reinvent a wheel with each piece.

Finally, make it easy for readers to get in touch with you; anything you post as part of your inbound marketing strategy should have your contact information attached. A logo with your site’s address is a must for any infographic you post and each of your social media feeds needs to have the correct contact information. Make it easy for prospects to reach out ensures that you are truly making the most of your inbound marketing efforts.

Interested in learning more about inbound marketing and how it can generate you quality leads at a potentially much lower cost than traditional advertising methods? Give us a call today at 419.629.0080 and one of our Digital Strategists will explain how we can partner with you to create and implement an effective inbound plan.
Inbound marketing can grow your ROI

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