How can you keep your content organized so that you are sending out valuable information at the right time for your customers? Sometimes this is not an easy task and it feels like “information overload” for both you and your target audience. To get organized, you need to start by developing a content calendar that will keep you on your “A” game, making customers to realize they need you as an expert on their team.

3 Benefits of a Content Calendar

  1. Time Management. If you want to be successful with your content (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?!) then it is vital that you send out a fair amount of quality content that your customer wants (and needs) in order to conduct business better than ever! So, you need to organize this information and the best way you can do this is by creating a killer content calendar! But you may find yourself questioning, “how can I do that and stay efficient with my time?” It is quite simple actually. There are various tools out there that will allow you to create a successful content calendar specific to your needs. One of our favorite tools to use is Google Calendar or Google Drive. However there are other tools out there that will work just as well, such as CoSchedule, Divvyhq and Edit Flow. When it comes to tools or how you are going to develop your content calendar, you need to use what works best with your team that also allows you to deliver quality content in a timely manner.
  2. Quality Content. There is nothing worse than looking at your social channels and realizing you do not have any content. YIKES! You don’t want to send out irrelevant content just to get something out there. This is where your content or editorial calendar comes into play. With a content calendar, you can make it easy for many to contribute quality content, and you can look at days or weeks in advance to figure out the best strategy for your content to work it’s magic and appeal to your persona, who your main target is in the first place.
  3. Show Your Value. Okay, so we have explained the time management and quality of content benefits to a content calendar, but now you may find yourself asking, “how does an editorial calendar show value?” If you can lay out in a calendar your blog posts, social posts, emails and campaigns, you can make sure your strategy is working to deliver quality and timely content. This is the key to getting your customer to move through the sales funnel and become not just a visitor but a LEAD. Furthermore, a content calendar will allow your expertise to shine as you lay out a strategy that works for your client!

So you understand the benefits of a content calendar, but how the heck are you going to implement one?

Start with a Strategy

  1. Know your persona and their pain points.
  2. Decide what they want to read and how often.
  3. Develop how you are going to post and to what channels based on 1 and 2.
  4. Give a variety of content in your calendar.
  5. Make it doable.

And finally, at the end of the day, you need a kick butt content calendar to help keep your content fresh and educational to guide your customers in making decisions. Need help getting your content organized and ready to circulate the internet? Contact us at Marketing Essentials and let us help you create great content!

The importance of diversified content

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