Webinar on Tips to Support Employee Mental Health and Productivity

Recorded Webinar 

Featured Experts:

Laura Roetgerman

Laura Roetgerman, Psy. D, LCPC
Director of Operations/Coach & Consultant
for Center for Personal Wellness


Patty Cisco
Owner and CEO
of Marketing Essentials

If you've been feeling anxious, frustrated or angry as a result of the PANDEMIC, you're not alone. Psychologists say that our emotional response to the reality of the pandemic follows the same path as the five stages of grief: shock and denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  

But in order for businesses to stay in business, they need healthy employees, both physically and mentally. Proactive employers understand that supporting the mental health of their employees will improve productivity and morale during this difficult time.  

In this pre-recorded webinar, our experts discuss:

  • How to spot signs of stress and anxiety in your workforce 
  • The costs to employers who ignore these signs of stress 
  • Avenues and resources employers can use to offer support  

Until next time: stay positive. And stay safe! We’re all in this together.  

>>>Also, be sure to check out other webinars in our Pandemic series:

Survival Tips for Keeping Your Business in Business

Communications and Compliance Tips

How to Help Your Employees Thrive During Times of Crisis

Financial Support to Help Your Business Thrive

Discover More Resources to Recession-Proof Your Business



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