
There are thousands of tasks associated with managing a successful inbound digital marketing program. Therefore, ensuring you have the right team members with the right skill set is critical.

A fully functioning, well-motivated and competent digital team is a huge asset for any business in a world that is increasingly looking online for sales growth. The digital world can seem very complicated and daunting; especially with so many buzz words, differing skill sets and changing technologies. It is important to understand the different roles and skills required and how they work together.

Your Digital Marketing Team

Expectations for today’s Chief Marketing Officer

  •        93% of CMOs say they are under more pressure to deliver measurable ROI.
  •        50% of B2B marketing executives find it difficult to attribute marketing activity directly to revenue results as a means to justify budgets.
  •        81% of marketers would increase spending on digital, mobile and social channels if they could better track ROI .

Positioning Your Marketing Team for Success

Positions you may need on your digital marketing team may include:

  • Marketing Consultant/Digital Manager
  • Front End Web Designer/Developer  
  • Back End Web Coder/Developer  
  • SEO Specialist  
  • Technical Specialist
  • Data Manager/Conversion Rate Optimizer Specialist/Digital Strategist
  • Paid Search PPC Specialist  
  • Social Media Specialist  
  • Content Writer  
  • Content Editor
  • Email Marketer  
  • Interactive Designer (Creative/HTML Designer)

Marketing 2017 and Beyond: Is Your Team Ready? With the free Digital Marketing Tool Kit, you’ll get how to align the right team, job descriptions, salaries, and lots more so you are ahead of the game for 2017.

In planning your budget for a digital marketing team, take these salaries for mid-career marketing professionals into consideration: 

  • Digital Marketing Manager: $72k 
  • Web Designer: $59k 
  • Social Media Manager: $56k 
  • Content Writer: $48k 
  • Graphic Designer: $46k   

Don’t forget to tack on the cost of employee benefits, as well as new marketing tools and technologies! You can expect a basic level in-house inbound digital marketing team to cost you approximately $337,000 a year.

How to Bring On Your New Team Members

As you ramp up your inbound digital marketing team, your focus shouldn’t just be on WHO you hire, but also on HOW these new employees will be integrated into your company and into their roles.

An onboarding plan is a sure fire way to make sure that you’re ready for new employees. This formal process of welcoming new hires offers a number of perks:

  • Engages the new employee by setting expectations early and often
  • Ensures initial experiences are similar regardless of position Increases profitability by creating a strong start
  • Improves retention by lowering the risk of an unsuccessful transition

A key to building a successful digital marketing team should include an onboarding plan with specific steps to ensure both you and your employee are on the same page from day 1.

Get 8 steps to onboarding a new hire in our free Digital Marketing Tool Kit. You’ll also get steps to developing a digital marketing team and plan, top interview questions and lots more!

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