About Grant Covault

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Grant, who previously worked at Marketing Essentials, has a background in marketing and sales and has experience in consulting.

Posts by Grant Covault

How to Measure the ROI of Virtual Sales Training

A Sales Pro’s Top 5 Tips to Sending Out Emails that Convert

As the working-from-home trend accelerates, so too does the need for salespeople to adjust how they connect with and engage prospects - and how they close deals.  

How to Host an Irresistible Virtual Event that Customers Talk About

When it comes to event planning for a business, virtual events must be a part of the mix. While face-to-face events definitely have a place in the business world and will come back someday, the value uncovered in virtual events has forever changed the event landscape.

5 Quick-and-Dirty Ways to Improve Your Online Presence in 2021

When was the last time you updated your business’s digital footprint? And we don’t mean posting a new banner or adding a phone number! Do you still have three different logos you’re using across your website and various social channels? 

3 Ways Sales Must Use Video to Beat Out the Competition & Close Deals

Most salespeople will say they’d rather meet prospects in person and close the deal face-to-face. They can read facial expressions and take cues from reactions. But then a pandemic hits, shutting doors and closing opportunities.

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