About Jenna Rosengarten

Jenna Rosengarten's avatar

Jenna has come from a variety of work experiences, ranging from gymnastics instructor to wedding photography to factory worker. She brings a creative perspective to Marketing Essentials with a design degree from The Modern College of Design. Jenna is passionate about creating the best work possible for her clients and looking at projects from new angles to continuously find the best solution. In her free time, she likes playing with her dog, painting, feeding her scented candle addiction, and catching up on all of the newest shows on Netflix.

Posts by Jenna Rosengarten

4 Design Tips for More Effective Emails

Ever seen eye-catching emails in your inbox and wondered, “How do I do that?” Today, we’re sharing a few easy tips you can use to make your emails more enticing and keep readers scrolling to the very end.

Ask the Expert: Why Your Business Needs an Enewsletter

We still hear it…

Ask the Expert: Should My Business be on TikTok?

Editor's note: After we published this blog, information came to light around TikTok's potential data privacy concerns. You can read more about those here

Your business is present on Facebook. It’s rocking the Instagram world. And you recently found the power of LinkedIn and are growing your following steadily. There can’t possibly be another social media channel that you should consider promoting your brand on - right?

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